Calling all Parents in Del Norte County, California!
You are invited to a Free Parenting workshop focused on making fun, positive memories with your kids this summer!
Having kids home for the summer doesn’t have to be hard. And making positive memories doesn’t have to be expensive.
In this two-part parenting training, you’ll learn why making memories with your kids (of all ages) matters and walk away with practical, free and low-cost ideas for your summer.
Part 1: Making Positive Memories: Why Memories Matter
In this first session, you’ll learn how you are always making memories with your kids, and why making positive memories with your kids matters, and delve into how you go about it in ways that integrate with your daily life..
Part 2: Making Positive Memories Count
In this second session, you’ll delve deeper into practical ways you can create memories to positively impact your child’s life into adulthood, including adapting to the individuality of your child, navigating the slippery slopes, and creating a positive impact on the future.
Who is this for?
Parents of Del Norte County, including anyone in a parenting role:
Foster Parents
Kinship Guardians
Adoptive Parents
Expecting/New Parents
You have an important role in shaping your child’s future. These sessions will give you extra tools for your parenting toolbox.
Part 1: Wednesday, May 22 5pm-7:30 pm
Part 2: Wednesday, May 29 5pm - 7:30 pm
Childcare and dinner will be provided.
Elk Valley Rancheria
Sam Lopez Room
2332 Howland Hill Road
Crescent City, CA 95531
To Register, visit
This free training is brought to you by: Resilient DNATL, Del Norte Child Abuse Prevention Council - CAPC, and CASA of Del Norte